Virtual Exhibits and Virtual Events – What Does My Company Need?

Woman using VR goggles

By now, you have certainly heard the buzz about Virtual Events.  One of the biggest questions we have received since stepping into this new product line is, What is the difference between a Virtual Event and Virtual Exhibit and how do either help my business?  With over 60 years experience in designing and building cutting […]

Oaks and Diamonds – Dealing with Professional Pressure

Picture of Uber Eats exhibit

Whenever I get the opportunity to make a contribution to the Nationwide 360 blog series, I usually start by looking for a quote to set the tone of the piece. These sometimes clever quips are usually light and airy, but the first kernel of wisdom that popped up in a search while preparing for the […]

Natural Products Expo West: Where My Personal Values and Career Meet

Image of the La Croix booth at Natural Products Expo West

By Karen Johnson, Senior Account Manager I couldn’t be more excited about the upcoming Natural Products Expo West (NPEW) and here’s why. I joined the team at Nationwide 360 in April of 2017 and immediately knew I was in the right place. When a foodie comes on board with a company with such a large […]

The Annual Toy Fair and the Importance of Play

Picture of toys

By Steve Griffith I like to think of the trade show industry as a close cousin to show business. Some aspects of what we do on a daily basis make the analogy fairly obvious. There’s the hustle-bustle, mad dash of the production itself, of course. That is, all the behind-the-scenes efforts of a large crew […]

The Winter Fancy Food Show Wrap-Up

Source Atlantique booth at Winter Fancy Food Show

The year is still new, and we’ve already wrapped up one of our biggest and most exciting shows of the year – the 2018 Winter Fancy Food Show where we were once again one of the leading exhibit and services providers on the show floor. It was a thrilling experience to see months of hard […]

Goya Makes a Bold Statement with New Exhibit

Image of Goya Exhibit at Winter Fancy Food Show

When Goya Foods Inc. first began considering an upgrade to their trade show exhibit, it was with a mixture of excitement and trepidation—after all, many factors go into the design, build, and implementation of a new exhibit. Now, less than a year from first making contact with Nationwide 360, Goya couldn’t be more pleased with […]