Navigating the Current Supply Chain Impact on Trade Shows

Image of a white delivery truck

Are you surprised by the cost of executing your tradeshow now that in-person events have returned? We understand. The industry is experiencing unprecedented challenges in labor and material shortages. Exhibit companies are adjusting to operate knowing common items may not be as readily available as they were pre-pandemic. With that in mind, here are some […]

The Positive Return of In-Person Events

Photo of the outside of an exhibit

The fall trade show calendar is full again this year, and the team at Nationwide 360 couldn’t be happier to be back on the expo floor celebrating the positive return of in-person events. With six decades of experience under our belt, we wanted to share our thoughts and observations from recent shows and our outlook […]

Redesign or Refurbish, What Fits Your Needs?

Corner View of the Twinings Peninsula Exhibit

Now that trade shows have returned, you are most likely thinking about the impact of your company’s presence on the show floor. The most important component of this is your trade show booth. Many companies have found that their brands have changed since their last in-person event. This has created the need to update the […]

Is a Hybrid Exhibit Show Strategy Right for You?

Woman typing on a computer

The pandemic has taught us the importance of prioritizing trade show strategy flexibility.  A new way to do this is to think beyond traditional face-to-face meetings. What does it look like when we merge in-person events with online virtual platforms? As people return to the show floor, we see the potential of employing a hybrid […]

Physical Shows are Coming Back! How Do I Prepare?

Visitors at the Source Atlantique Exhibit.

Seeing tradeshows and events returning to convention centers across the country has no doubt been a feeling of relief for many companies.  The ability to showcase products and services once again in a real-time, face-to-face environment is something that we have all been waiting for.  How to make that transition has left some trade show […]

Virtual Exhibits and Virtual Events – What Does My Company Need?

Woman using VR goggles

By now, you have certainly heard the buzz about Virtual Events.  One of the biggest questions we have received since stepping into this new product line is, What is the difference between a Virtual Event and Virtual Exhibit and how do either help my business?  With over 60 years experience in designing and building cutting […]

Transforming Our Business in a COVID World

Mand and woman standing by a divider

It is hard to believe that Nationwide 360 has been a proud partner to businesses for their trade show needs for over 60 years.  Over that time, we have seen our share of challenges, unexpected environments and situations that have required us to think outside the box.  However, nothing, absolutely nothing has challenged our business, […]

Oaks and Diamonds – Dealing with Professional Pressure

Picture of Uber Eats exhibit

Whenever I get the opportunity to make a contribution to the Nationwide 360 blog series, I usually start by looking for a quote to set the tone of the piece. These sometimes clever quips are usually light and airy, but the first kernel of wisdom that popped up in a search while preparing for the […]

Four Times it Makes More Sense to Rent a Display

Picture of Uber Eats display

Purchasing a custom display for trade shows is ideal in many situations, but there are also instances when it makes more sense to rent — when you’re on a super tight schedule, for example. Here are four other situations where renting a display is a good option: You’d like greater flexibility to change the branding […]