Turf Tek

Turf Tek

Project Type

Architectural Fabrication





Our Challenge

Turf Tek needed to make a bold statement with the show room in their brand new facility… they came to the right place.

Our Solution

Approaching the project with a “let the product be the hero” mindset drove all of the aesthetic decisions, starting with a grand impact installation as you enter the space. Turf Tek’s premium turf serves as the background color field for a giant circular display, at the center of which is a large edge-illuminated logo. Classy touches of wood slat treatments lead visitors into the space, where the product displays encourage a “touch and feel” experience augmented by interactive digital displays. A riser leads the visitor through the Turf Tek story and product line, offering valuable insights about what sets their turf apart from competitors. The journey ultimately culminates in an opportunity to engage with the product in a real-life application—a functional putting green set before a giant mural of a picturesque golf course!

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