The Daily Crave

View of The Daily Crave Self-Contained Exhibit Outside the Natural Products Expo West

The Daily Crave

Project Type

Brand Experiences & Events





Our Challenge

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Also, build us a brand activation stand to reinforce The Daily Crave’s brand awareness outdoors at Natural Product Expo West and other future locations.

Our Solution

Inspired by The Daily Crave’s unique “retro newsboy” brand personality, we designed and fabricated a bonafide newsstand invoking a nostalgia for a New York street corner you might see in a classic film. Since the unit needed to withstand the elements, it dons a corrugated roof. And since it stays put throughout the duration of the event, it’s self-contained– meaning all product is stored inside the unit and the window and door locks overnight. The Daily Crave’s reps completed the experience by dressing as news boys and gals.

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