The fall trade show calendar is full again this year, and the team at Nationwide 360 couldn’t be happier to be back on the expo floor celebrating the positive return of in-person events. With six decades of experience under our belt, we wanted to share our thoughts and observations from recent shows and our outlook moving forward.
Overall In-Person Trade Show Experience
In general, the feeling on the show floor is similar to the pre-pandemic shows we are all accustomed to attending. The attitude of the attendees is positive and excited. There is an overall sense of optimism and happiness about returning to live events.
Many companies are choosing to showcase new exhibits and make in-person events a priority. This frame of mind is encouraging other show organizers to proceed with hosting their events.
Covid safety measures are a major focus at all of the shows we attended. Wearing a mask is the minimum requirement in most cities, while other cities are requiring attendees to be fully vaccinated. Despite these measures, the overwhelming consensus is that people are happy to be able to see colleagues, clients and prospects in person.
Show Attendance
The shows are not as crowded as they were in previous years, but the attendees that are there have a vested interest in getting back to business. Exhibitors are sending less staff to the show, but are engaging in meaningful conversations with key decision makers. While there may be fewer people in attendance, by all accounts, the lead quality has been terrific.
Some companies are utilizing Virtual Platforms to connect onsite attendees with those not able to be physically present at the event. This has allowed more people to participate in shows than would be able to otherwise.
Booth traffic has been surprisingly consistent despite the lower attendance figures. This all points towards a high level of optimism for the success of the upcoming shows this winter and those in early 2022.
“I have been at six shows since June and have never seen such optimism and excitement on the expo floor. The companies who were willing and ready to participate in these shows, have reaped the benefits and created strong momentum for all.”
Steven Griffith, President, Nationwide 360
Positive News From the Expo Floor
As a leading provider of trade show exhibits for the natural products and food industry, it was fabulous to be back at one of our favorite shows this past September, Natural Products Expo East in Philadelphia. Nationwide 360 had nine clients on the show floor and sent six members of our team to the event. Our clients’ exhibits ranged in size and configuration. It was a great feeling to have so many clients exhibit at the same show again.

Overall, our client base couldn’t have been happier to see their displays in person again, and to connect with potential new customers.
Looking Ahead to Future Trade Shows
As shows continue to resume, now is the perfect time for companies to revisit their show strategy and plan their return to the expo halls. There are a lot of factors to consider as you make that plan, and our team is here to help. A few questions you might ask yourself: Is it time to invest in a new custom exhibit or will it be better to refurbish the exhibit properties we currently own? Are we choosing to make a splash at our next show or will 2022 be a better time to do this?
We have solutions for every situation. Whichever path you choose, Nationwide 360 can help you make the right decisions. Our team of exhibit experts is here to assist you in your return to the show floor. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.