Custom Rental or Custom Built: The Age Old Trade Show Conversation

Dremio Custom Rental Exhibit

Dremio's custom rental exhibit showcased at the Javits Center in NYC for Data Universe.

If you’ve been around the event industry for as long as we have, you know there’s a topic of conversation as old as time: Should you rent an exhibit for your trade show appearances, or should you purchase one?  We’ve had this very discussion more times than we can count (and love the passion surrounding the topic!), and figured  it was the perfect time to circle back to it as everyone starts the new year (YIKES!) planning and budget process.  So grab a beverage and read on! 

Cost Effectiveness

Let’s address the elephant in the room right away: cost.  No matter how you slice it, purchasing a custom-built exhibit is a considerable investment. Higher upfront costs for design, construction, and materials add to the bottom line quicker than a speeding bullet.  Depending on where your company is in the business/product life cycle, an investment of this size might not make sense.  Custom rentals allow you to brand and showcase your space for less. Usually much less.  On average, custom rentals can be 40-60% less to rent for single shows in your overall budget.  Your CFO will definitely be singing your praises.  


Renting an exhibit offers unparalleled flexibility.  Exhibiting at multiple shows with different space sizes or configurations?  No worries!  Rentals can be adjusted based on show floor plans.  Planning on promoting different products for different shows?  Easy peasy!  Your custom graphics can swap out based on your strategy. 

Need to test different messaging for different audiences?  That’s simple!  You can customize every component for each show.  The adaptability of a custom rental exhibit keeps your exhibit fresh, engaging and eye-popping for every show and location.


When it comes to logistics, owning your exhibit means storage, shipping, setup, dismantling, and transportation for each show you attend.  Now, when you deal with our team of pros, we can handle all the deets for you, but there are still a lot of moving parts to consider!  Custom rentals offer the flexibility of use and return, so you can focus on how you’re going to handle the ginormous crowds about to swarm your space, not worrying about where your exhibit is in the process. Remember, people don’t just buy products – they buy connections.

Staying Cutting Edge

Show trends and technologies are changing faster than the blink of an eye these days.  With an exhibit rental, you can take advantage of cutting-edge designs and the latest and greatest interactive elements that enhance your booth’s appeal and engagement.  Get ready to be the trendsetter on the show floor!

Speed to Market

Custom exhibits are often planned months in advance and have a longer build time due to the complex nature of the space. Custom rental exhibits, on the other hand, can typically be turned around much quicker. When a show pops up on the calendar or your business needs change on a dime, these structures can get you on the show floor in a much shorter window.

Wrapping It Up

Now, we know what you’re thinking: “This all sounds great, but I don’t want my space to look like everyone else’s. I need a wow factor.” Well, that’s exactly what our line of custom rental exhibits say – WOW. 

We don’t work in a cookie-cutter world. Our team of creative wizards works with you to craft the look and feel that brings your brand to life and makes you shine on the show floor with any type of project. 

What are you waiting for? Let’s chat today about YOUR exhibit strategy.

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