The Rebrand Rollercoaster – Is it Your Turn to Ride?

Is your company considering embarking on a rebranding journey?  Well, hold onto your hats, because the wild ride of brand transformation is unforgettable.  We were on this exact ride ourselves this time last year… we laughed, we cried… and looking back on it now, we can honestly say we loved every minute.  

Whether you’re aiming for a fresh facelift or a complete overhaul, rebranding is like walking a tightrope!  But don’t worry daredevils, we’ve taken our experiences to heart and crafted some do’s and don’ts to help you emerge victorious.  Let’s dive in! 

Do: Know Thyself

Before diving headfirst into the deep end of the rebrand pool, take time to look in the mirror.  What makes your brand stand out?  What sets you apart from the competition?  Do you have fully-defined core values, a mission statement and target audience? A well-developed brand personality and clear “voice”?  These questions are the compass that guides your rebranding expedition. 

Don't: Ignore Feedback

When someone said feedback is a gift, they probably had just gone through a rebrand!  Now is the time to ask and listen to your customers, employees and stakeholders.  Their insights create the treasure map to uncover what makes your brand successful.  Ignoring feedback is like driving blind – you might crash and burn.  

Do: Create a Compelling Narrative

Every great brand needs a captivating narrative.  What’s your story? Why the change?  Whether you’re on a quest for innovation, paying tribute to your heritage or trying to leap ahead of the competition, make sure your story resonates with your audience, both current and potential.  Remember, people don’t just buy products – they buy connections.

Don't: Sacrifice Consistency

Consistency should be the true North on your rebrand compass.  From your logo, to your brand voice, to your product positioning, every touchpoint needs to be singing one harmonious brand song.  Inconsistency creates confusion and dissonance, the kryptonite to every superhero brand story. 

Do: Embrace Authenticity

In a world of cookie-cutter brands, authenticity is your secret weapon.  Be sure to embrace what makes you unique– from your flaws to your strengths.  At the end of your journey, a strong tribe of loyal followers who vibe with you will be more valuable than the highest number of generic impressions or inauthentic engagement.

Don't: Rush the Process

During our journey, we stopped, reset and restarted as many times as we needed to get the process right.  Rebranding is a marathon, not a sprint.  Take time to plan, reprise, and refine every aspect of your plan.

Do: Keep Your Stakeholders Informed

Last, but definitely not least, while the grand reveal of your new brand is thrilling, remember to keep those communication channels buzzing. Without updates, clients, employees, and vendors might start spinning their own (sometimes not-so-positive) stories about what’s happening behind the scenes. Keep the suspense and excitement high by dropping hints about the big plans and keep everyone on their toes guessing the outcome!

At the end of the day, there are no guarantees when it comes to a rebrand.  Just a short year later, we are over the moon with how our process unfolded.  Our product line is expanding, our customers are engaged, and our team is renewed.  If you’re planning a rebrand and want to talk strategy, give us a shout. We’d love to chat.

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