Happy Holidays! We’re Here to Elevate Your Exhibit Program in 2018

Picture of blue Christmas balls

All of us at Nationwide 360 would like to wish you and your loved ones a happy and safe holiday season! We know this is often the time of year for reflection and looking ahead. If 2018 is the year you’d like to elevate your exhibit program to the next level, we’re confident that we can help you reach your goals with our broad range of solutions. Here’s a brief overview of what we offer:

Rental Options:

-Custom Rentals:

If you have a show that’s fast approaching and not much time to prepare, but still need an exhibit that makes a unique statement about you and your company, our custom rentals are the solution you need. They are customizable with high-quality accessories and inclusive features, as well as a variety of upgrade options.

-Rental Packages:

Our off-the-shelf packages allow you to promote your organization with a professional-looking exhibit while keeping costs under control. They come in a wide range of standard sizes and configurations, and are available in an array of colors and finishes.

Custom Exhibits:

When you invest in a custom exhibit, we design and build each and every component with your   organization, brand, and products in mind. We collaborate with you closely throughout the design and fabrication phases to ensure your new exhibit exceeds your expectations.


Our highly experienced design team strives to learn all about your company, its history and values, and products and services. Then, inspired by what we’ve learned, we seamlessly integrate architectural, graphic and interior design elements to create a breathtaking exhibit experience. Throughout this phase, we focus highly on functionality and the ability of your exhibit to engage audiences, but never lose sight of your budget along the way.


Our fabrication team has expertise working with all types of materials to build exhibits that are functional, durable and aesthetically pleasing. The team also remains cognizant at all times of the importance of finishing each exhibit on time.

Graphics Services

Our in-house graphics staff has a deep understanding of all types of graphic materials and how to use them effectively in order to deliver your message to your audience.

Exhibit Management and Show Services

One of our show coordinator specialists will be dedicated to assisting you with each show, addressing any unforeseen challenges that may arise and helping to prevent last-minute surprises.

In addition to a staff dedicated to your exhibit program, we also offer ExhibitForce, an on-demand 24/7 cloud-based event and project management tool that can assist in managing all event coordination and budgeting.

Logistics & Storage

Our project management staff ensures that your exhibit gets to where it needs to be and is installed and ready for your audience when it’s supposed to be. Special attention is given to on-site labor issues, hall regulations and delivery and installation challenges.

Have Questions? Contact Nationwide360

If you would like more information on our broad suite of services, Nationwide 360 is happy to answer your questions. We are a one-stop shop for comprehensive trade show solutions. To learn more, give us a call today at 631-467-2034.


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